Safaya Alexandra Salter, UK Guest Speaker " Heart - Based Horsemanship"

Safaya Alexandra Salter, UK Guest Speaker " Heart - Based Horsemanship"

Safaya Alexandra Salter is an artist, designer and authoress combining her love of the natural world, through which she draws inspiration, with her study and practice of energy psychology and interspecies communication. 

Understanding horses and how we may best honour them for their historic service to man is also an enduring passion.

Learning to be truly in the moment with horses is the key to this work and one which can be incredibly magnetic for the horse-human relationship. 

To quote from Safaya’s upcoming book on how to achieve this with horses:

“It’s only the doubt in us that prevents ‘being’ in the moment.

The ‘doing’ that we’re so addicted to seduces us into separation.

Learning to dissolve this through the heart connection frees us to delight in oneness.”

Based on ancient wisdom combined with emerging science Heart-Based Horsemanship offers new approaches and unique exercises for you to do with your horse to allow and encourage real relationship and deeper mutual understanding.

Learning to drop all agenda is appealing to horses and Safaya teaches this through heart connection. She says of her progression to this point:-

My background is in art, horsemanship, and adventures in energy. Initially I started my healing journey with animals, training in and using a variety of vibrational energy modalities to augment my inherent intuition, empathy and ability.
Then one day the animals started bringing their people. I wasn’t sure I was ready for this but took the step nevertheless. I’m so glad I did!   Life was becoming very interesting and I loved my work but I still found it hard to shake off the persistent judgments, generally against myself, and a sense that I was primarily defined by my success with clients, and that if things didn’t go to plan or that miracles weren’t performed daily - then I wasn’t worth much. If you’re a therapist then you may know just how that feels. You will also know that it’s the best way to kill your inspiration and joy! Looking for the learning in this seemingly unhelpful situation I eventually realised that I was choosing the wrong thoughts to think and that there were alternative ways of using my mind apart from doing a first-class job of manifesting and supporting all my doubts.                                                     

My advanced training in EFT, PSYCH-K, Matrix Reimprinting, Meta-Medicine and eventually Access were the backbone of my work with human clients and enabling them to shed years of emotional burden, trauma, abuse and powerlessness was, and is still, a total joy to me. The added, now seemingly obvious, revelation was the last piece in the old jigsaw and the first piece in the new one!

Throughout my journey I continue to expand and update my knowledge to help us heal, understand and enjoy the wonderful infinite beings we all are. Horses continue to provide me with so much insight into what we carry in the way of burdens, responsibilities and general baggage, as a norm, and how they are encouraging us to be able to put all that aside, for a while at least, and just ‘be’ in the moment.

This is what has evolved into Heart-Based Horsemanship and I really enjoy the fact that people are loving this totally supported learning and adjusting to new levels of perception as they progress and as we, as a collection of souls, move forward on our path with increased ease, joy and glory.

I’m also very proud to be on the team of Animaltalk Africa online Animal Communication Academy as joint facilitator and mentor with my great friend Wynter Worsthorne. Together we are working on various projects to bring this work out into the world and link up with other highly progressive, intuitive and ground-breaking leaders in healing work.

I am also part of the Equest team as a facilitator and horse specialist. Equest offers the corporate world a new view on ‘embodied leadership’ and it’s fulfilling to work with these business leaders and see them opening up new areas of understanding and communication with each other and acknowledging new possibilities for interaction with their teams and clients.

Above all I am passionate about empowering people to understand animals and to respect the wonderful sentient beings they are while realising the endless, but often elusive, potential with which we are all endowed. It is such a privilege to do this work and to be able to share it with a fast growing number of like-minded souls. 

I look forward to sharing my work and demonstrating this with you in an intercative session  called:- 

Sofaya is speaking on  Heart -Based Horsemanship combining ancient wisdom with emerging science to take horse-human realtionship to a new level of authenticity and mutual understanding through heart connection. 

This is a piece of Safayas stunning artwork shown here named " Galloping in the Gloaming"  and more beautiful pieces can be found on her website.

Safaya will be showcasing some of her work and exhibiting prints at the conference available for sale to delegates.

Interested in booking a session with Safaya yourself, discover more about Safaya and her work here



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